Stephanie Clare Smith
A Good Private Eye, South Writ Large: Stories Arts and Ideas from the Global South
The Guardian: Edited Excerpt from Everywhere the Undrowned, The Guardian
The Empath, 2020 Nonfiction Prize, Honorable Mention, Bellevue Literary Review (BLR)
NEW “Everywhere the Undrowned”, Showing Up
“Imagination as Survival: Stephanie Clare Smith's Undrowned Memoir, Salvation South
“Everywhere the Undrowned” Is a Wrenching Story of Survival, Indy Week
BookNook with Vick Mickunas, WYSO (podcast)
All of It with Alison Stewart. NPR/WNYC (podcast)
Nothing is Whole Until Its In Words. Writing Stories (podcast)
Bringing the Past Forward. True Magazine
Two Poems, Visitation and Shelter. Xavier Review
Small, When a Horse Smells the End is Near, Whereabouts. iamb, poetry seen and heard